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perjantaina, kesäkuuta 27, 2008
Photo Friday ja Valokuvatorstai. Uskonto.
Photo: Anna Amnell
I have joined Photo FRiday and left the Finnish version Valokuvatorstai (=Photo Thursday)
Olen jättänyt sen, sillä Valokuvatorstai esitti tunnetun uskontoa vastaan taistelevan ateistin ateistisen tekstin ja vieläpä sellaisessa yhteydessä, johon maailmankatsomuksella ei pitäisi olla mitään osuutta.
tiistai, 20. tammikuu 2009 Valokuvatorstai (=Photo Thursday): (Kuudestoista haaste 'Uoma') (arkisto)
Pyysin tekstiä poistettavaksi. Keskustelua ei sallittu. Jäin pois Valokuvatorstaista.
Valokuvatorstai (blogi))
Olen sen jälkeen osallistunut useisiin valokuvaryhmiin, ja niissä ei ole ollut vastaavia ongelmia. Annettu tehtävä on ollut aina poliittisesti ja maailmankatsomuksellisesti neutraali, ja kukin on saanut laittaa omaan blogiinsa ihan millaisen kuvan haluaa.
torstaina, kesäkuuta 26, 2008
eaa ja jaa: Keiden lelu on suomenkielinen Wikipedia?
[The original text is in English !! Do not use Google translate in reading this]
Date format: BCE vs. BC, in Finnish eaa [e, a, a] vs. e.Kr. [e, K, r =BC]
CE vs. AD, in Finnish jaa vs j.Kr.
Google translation of my Finnish text was completely wrong. It turned my opinion upside down . Therefore I rewrote my article in English. I ask in this post: Whose toy is the Finnish Wikipedia? Is its main aim to oppose the date format BC and AD?
There are two different ways in Finnish to mark a year, namely the Finnish way to use BC (in Finnish letters 'e', capital 'K', and 'r' = before Christ) and the much less used secular invention (the letters 'e', 'a', and 'a') which means "before the calendar" or "before our era", a clumsy Finnish equivalent of BCE. AD is in Finnish marked by letters 'j', capital 'K' and 'r'. CE is = letters'j', 'a', 'a'].
Wikipedia is very handy, especially in English. Take e.g. Dalmatia. Dalmatia
In Finnish the the text is different, very short, and in the very beginning there is this sentence: "Rooman legioonat valloittivat alueen 229–213eaa" (= Roman legions conquered the area in 229-213 BCE.)
The same part of the text comes much later in the other languages [in English, French, German, Spanish etc.] and uses the Anno Domini-system. This sort of thing happens very often in Finnish Wikipedia. Too often it seems like propaganda against the usage of BC and AD is the main aim of the Finnish Wikipedia text! Why is this allowed in Finnish Wikipedia?
There has been criticism about the level of Finnish Wikipedia. Is it in the hands of some young people who have not enough kowledge and skill and whose opinions differ from what most Finns think?
An article in English about Finnish Wikipedia : "Religion and politics are certainly the topics that generate the most heat and disputes. Now and then, the greatest merit is the way in which an article on a volatile subject can gradually get modified to the point where all sides can find a consensus. But for the most part there is a good atmosphere in the Finnish Wikipedia."
Criticism in Finnish about Finnish Wikipedia (ala-osassa) e.g. "playground of the nerds"
Finnish linguist Mrs. Taru Kolehmainen [the Bureau of Finnish language] tells that letters 'e', 'a', 'a' to mark the time before Christ instead of common Finnish way - letters 'j', capital 'K', and 'r' - were invented in the 1970's, which was in Finland a period highly influenced by the Soviet Union, 'a red decade', and the combination of letters 'e', 'a', 'a' = ennen ajanlaskumme alkua = before our era) was invented to oppose religion.
Lue J.Korpela/Kielenopas/ohjeet ajan merkinnästä
There seems to be disagreement among writers of Finnish Wikipedia about using the Common Era system instead of BC/AD which is most common in Finland. It is very strange that a small minority terrorizes the majority. It is not good publicity for Wikipedia. I wouldn't want to write or translate an article in Finnish Wikipedia if I knew that some people will change my text to their liking in this matter.
2009: This is a problem especially in Wikijunior written in Finnish. Other languages use Anno Domini, BC annd AD, but the Finnish Wikijunior uses BCE and CE. (Muissa kielissä Wikijunior käyttää Anno Domini-lyhenteitä BC, AD jne eli kuten suomen eKr. ja jKr tai ei puhu vuosista ollenkaan. Suomessa on toisin, joka kirjoituksessa mainostetaan eaa- ja jaa-lyhenteitä. Vertaa itse, miten kerrotaan lapsille muinaisesta Egyptistä Wikijunior in English Wikijunior suomeksi
Finnish Wikipedia is red. Readers' opinions. (suomeksi mielipiteitä: 'punainen wikipedia']
Huom. 1980-luvun suomettuneessa Suomessa käytettiin lyhennettä v e.a.a.
mallina varmaankin DDR.
Date format: BCE vs. BC, in Finnish eaa [e, a, a] vs. e.Kr. [e, K, r =BC]
CE vs. AD, in Finnish jaa vs j.Kr.
Google translation of my Finnish text was completely wrong. It turned my opinion upside down . Therefore I rewrote my article in English. I ask in this post: Whose toy is the Finnish Wikipedia? Is its main aim to oppose the date format BC and AD?
There are two different ways in Finnish to mark a year, namely the Finnish way to use BC (in Finnish letters 'e', capital 'K', and 'r' = before Christ) and the much less used secular invention (the letters 'e', 'a', and 'a') which means "before the calendar" or "before our era", a clumsy Finnish equivalent of BCE. AD is in Finnish marked by letters 'j', capital 'K' and 'r'. CE is = letters'j', 'a', 'a'].
Wikipedia is very handy, especially in English. Take e.g. Dalmatia. Dalmatia
In Finnish the the text is different, very short, and in the very beginning there is this sentence: "Rooman legioonat valloittivat alueen 229–213eaa" (= Roman legions conquered the area in 229-213 BCE.)
The same part of the text comes much later in the other languages [in English, French, German, Spanish etc.] and uses the Anno Domini-system. This sort of thing happens very often in Finnish Wikipedia. Too often it seems like propaganda against the usage of BC and AD is the main aim of the Finnish Wikipedia text! Why is this allowed in Finnish Wikipedia?
There has been criticism about the level of Finnish Wikipedia. Is it in the hands of some young people who have not enough kowledge and skill and whose opinions differ from what most Finns think?
An article in English about Finnish Wikipedia : "Religion and politics are certainly the topics that generate the most heat and disputes. Now and then, the greatest merit is the way in which an article on a volatile subject can gradually get modified to the point where all sides can find a consensus. But for the most part there is a good atmosphere in the Finnish Wikipedia."
Criticism in Finnish about Finnish Wikipedia (ala-osassa) e.g. "playground of the nerds"
Finnish linguist Mrs. Taru Kolehmainen [the Bureau of Finnish language] tells that letters 'e', 'a', 'a' to mark the time before Christ instead of common Finnish way - letters 'j', capital 'K', and 'r' - were invented in the 1970's, which was in Finland a period highly influenced by the Soviet Union, 'a red decade', and the combination of letters 'e', 'a', 'a' = ennen ajanlaskumme alkua = before our era) was invented to oppose religion.
Lue J.Korpela/Kielenopas/ohjeet ajan merkinnästä
There seems to be disagreement among writers of Finnish Wikipedia about using the Common Era system instead of BC/AD which is most common in Finland. It is very strange that a small minority terrorizes the majority. It is not good publicity for Wikipedia. I wouldn't want to write or translate an article in Finnish Wikipedia if I knew that some people will change my text to their liking in this matter.
2009: This is a problem especially in Wikijunior written in Finnish. Other languages use Anno Domini, BC annd AD, but the Finnish Wikijunior uses BCE and CE. (Muissa kielissä Wikijunior käyttää Anno Domini-lyhenteitä BC, AD jne eli kuten suomen eKr. ja jKr tai ei puhu vuosista ollenkaan. Suomessa on toisin, joka kirjoituksessa mainostetaan eaa- ja jaa-lyhenteitä. Vertaa itse, miten kerrotaan lapsille muinaisesta Egyptistä Wikijunior in English Wikijunior suomeksi
Finnish Wikipedia is red. Readers' opinions. (suomeksi mielipiteitä: 'punainen wikipedia']
Huom. 1980-luvun suomettuneessa Suomessa käytettiin lyhennettä v e.a.a.
mallina varmaankin DDR.
keskiviikkona, kesäkuuta 25, 2008
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