WIKIJUNIOR uses BC/AD in in its English history articles (other languages: 'avant Jesus -Christ', 'v. Chr' etc). But Finnish Wikijunior uses the Finnish equivalents of "before our era" and "after our era" created in the communist countries and introduced in the 1970's to oppose religion. Those date formats have been never popular in Finland. Most people don't know anything about them. The equivalents of BC/AD [e, K, r =before Christ] and [j, K, r = after Christ] are the most common and most popular date formats among Finnish speaking Finns.
90% of Finnish teenagers go to confirmation school, 80% of children are baptized and 80% of people belong to church. And that's only the Lutherans. There are also many other Christian denominations active in Finland. Isn't Wikipedia meant for the majority of the users? The only people that have opposed BC/AD in Finland are some leftists or atheists, a very samall group in Finland. They seem to be active in the Internet.
Vilkaisin jälleen 8-12 -vuotiaille tarkoitettua suomenkielistä Wikijunior-sivustoa. Vain muinaisesta Egyptistä kirjoitetussa historia-artikkelissa käytettiin suomessa yleisessä käytössä olevaa ja suosituinta ajanmerkintää eKr/jKr. Merkinnät eKr/jKr olivat Wikijuniorin kirjoitusohjeissa vain toissijaisina suluissa ja kirjoitettuna muotoon ekr/jkr. Kuka vastaa Wikijuniorista? Onko Wikipedia Suomessa jonkinlainen salaseura, jota määräilevät aktiiviset ateistit?
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