perjantaina, lokakuuta 27, 2006

Photo Friday 'accidental'

6 kommenttia:

  1. Is this a bus "wrap"? Very cool. They use them mostly for advertisements in my city. This one in your photo is very amusing!

  2. There are advertisements in some Helsinki buses, too. This is one of the funniest.

    And it was a real accident that I took picture of only half the bus. I wasn't quick enough.

  3. Héhéhéhéh, very nice picture. Belle photo amusante.

  4. Aivan loistava kuva - onko se nyt feikkiä vai ei...? :D

  5. Tämä on ihan totta. Otin muka koko bussista kuvaa, mutta se hurahti ohi ennen kuin ehdin. Joskus sokea kana löytää jyvän.
