Kestävätkö Mississipin suojavallit? Kaikki Biloxi- ja New Orleans-valokuvat: Matti Amnell
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Blogiystävä Anna Scott englannissa myös kirjoitti New Orleanista 2005_08_01_month.php#112545214591035515 ja laitoin siihen tämän kommentin: (anteeksi laiskuudestani)
VastaaPoistaYes, New Orleans is quite devastated. I hope the old historical districts and the French Quarter survive. I fondly remember our trip there in the 80's for an international conference my husband was attending. The first night there we ate the hottest food we'd ever had and walked past numerous clubs through a crowd-packed street without cars to an ancient wooden jazz hall where we were packed like sardines standing up, but what great music, old-style played by mostly ancient black men. The piano player kept falling asleep over the keyboard! The conference program for the wives included a tour to a plantation like Tara. The French Quarter, Dinner at Antoine's - yes! Thanks for tweaking some lovely memories, even in the sadness of Katrina's destruction.
Was it Florewood River Plantation in Greenwood, Missisippi?
VastaaPoistaI can't remember the name. I might have written it down in a diary which is packed away somewhere....
VastaaPoistaYou went to Florewood?
Aren't you glad you saw the place before all this happened? I wonder if it will ever be the same again. Yet, it's the poor homeless people we should be worrying about, not the buildings, hmm?